Tunes from the Goodman Manuscripts - Mick O'Brien, Emer Mayock & Aoife Ní Bhriain
by pipers.ie
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Mick O'Brien (Pipes) Emer Mayock (Flute) Aoife Ni Bhriain (Fiddle)
1. An Róguire Dubh, Airgiod Caillighe (The Old)
2. An Seanduine Ag Luasgadh An Chliabháin, Cosa Buidhe Árda Dearga
3. Reel 97, The Tinker’s Frolic, Light Horse Reel
4. An Fhinne-Bhean Mhodhamhuil, Hornpipe 139, Hartney’s Hornpipe (O’Lynne’s March) 5. Miss Monaghan’s Reel, Neil Gow’s Second Wife, Lucy Campbell
6. Siobháinín Seó, Boring The Leather
7. The Black Bird
8. An Maidrín Ruadh
9. Ceó Draoigheachta Sheól Oidhche Chum Fághain Mé
10. The Traveller, The Top Of The Cliff, The Bride’s To Bed
11. Fáinne Geal An Lae, The Cauliflower, Kissing & Drinking
12 The Yeoman’s Reel, The Lady’s Cup Of Tea